Rubbing straps on sandals – how do I deal with it?

Rubbing straps on sandals

How to stop Rubbing straps on sandals: In summer, when temperatures rise, we like to wear open-toed and heeled shoes. Unfortunately, the first time we wear new shoes often ends with painful abrasions and blisters. What to do if your sandals rub? We’ll give you a hint!

Why do leather sandals or other shoes rub on my feet?

The main cause of abrasions is poorly fitting footwear: too tight or too loose. Many people make a fundamental mistake, especially in summer: after leaving the beach, swimming or leaving the pool, they put on shoes on wet or damp feet. This is an easy way to damage the epidermis, but not only that! In summer, it is much easier to get athlete’s foot and nail fungus. Sandals that rub your toes, combined with high temperatures and humidity, can lead to the development of this very annoying and difficult to cure disease.

Abrasions and blisters occur in areas where the skin comes into direct contact with the footwear, including: on the heels, soles, balls of the feet, around the ankle (if the straps of the sandals are in this area) and, in the case of flip-flops, between the first and second toes.

Abrasions can also be caused by poor quality footwear. That’s why, especially in summer, it’s worth wearing flat women’s sandals made of natural leather, which is flexible, allows air to pass through and adapts to the foot. Although leather sandals can rub the foot if used incorrectly or in the wrong size, the likelihood that the cause of the rub is in shoes made of plastic is much higher.

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What to do to prevent new sandals from rubbing on your heels?

Are you planning a vacation trip, a cocktail party or an outdoor wedding? You want to make sure that your newly purchased  heeled sandals won’t start to rub when you least expect it? Sandals that rub against your toes can ruin even the most beautiful celebration. Therefore, it is worth thinking about suitable foot protection in advance. What can you do to prevent your sandals from rubbing? There are many products on the market that protect feet from abrasions and blisters. In the Filippo store you will find, among others:

  • BAMA gel heel caps and heel caps – these are products that are also perfect for shoes with an open heel. They protect your foot from mechanical injuries even when playing at night. Abrasive women’s sandals are a thing of the past!
  • BAMA Gel Half Insoles or Gel Pads – You want wedge sandals but you are worried that you will wake up the next day with abrasions and blisters? Discreet gel half insoles or pads are a great solution for rubbing in sandals. This is a solution that works well with open toe and heel shoes.

What to do if your sandals rub on your toes?

You already know what to do to prevent abrasions, but what if the skin is already damaged, and rubbing sandals make walking difficult? ? First of all, you should take off all tight shoes as soon as possible and give your feet rest. Relief can be brought by a bath with the addition of herbs such as sage or chamomile, which have disinfecting and soothing properties. It is worth reacting as quickly as possible! Abrasions are a harbinger of more serious problems. If blisters filled with lymphatic fluid appear on your feet, every step will cause pain and discomfort. What Color Shoes to Wear with Pink Dress Outfits

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In case of a blister rupture, the wound should be disinfected and protected from dirt and mechanical damage. If problems with abrasions and blisters recur, it is worth visiting an orthopedist who will examine your feet. If the problem is not only due to rubbing straps in sandals, but, for example, due to poor posture, the doctor will recommend rehabilitation and select special orthopedic insoles.

Quick way to deal with rubbing sandals

What to do if leather sandals rub, but we can’t change shoes right away? Then it’s worth using special preparations for abrasions, which are available in drugstores or pharmacies. This type of product instantly relieves pain and accelerates skin regeneration. In summer, especially during long trips, it’s worth having abrasions and blister plasters that will quickly provide relief to the feet.